Monday, August 15, 2011

A Night Prayer: "When I am feeling worried"


Today was not easy. I blamed myself for being so stupid and unthoughtful enough to have let it slipped that way. I know it might as well be a pointless worry, but I just did not like it to happen and create any unwanted possibility. I can only hope that You bless everyone's life so that people I met today are never tempted to be selfish and disadvantage anyone in anyway..

Please also protect those who have been sent into my life lately and have become dears to me.. Give them the peace of mind and a joyful heart always =)

Psalm 37:8
Don't give in to worry or anger; it only leads to trouble.

Roman 8:31,
If God is for us, who can be against us?


Friday, August 12, 2011


Last Night.. In the midst of my FIRST restaurant set-up process, I remembered to seek a blessing from my Christian Pastor in Sydney.. Iwan Sunito (Pastor of Sydney Christian Worship Centre). And for me, he is an all-time-awesome-mentor ^^
Thru few not-so-short-messages, we had a conversation that awakened me a point.

Me: "Ko Iwan, how r u? Its Veve. Ko, I'd like to ask for an intention prayer to be brought in one Sunday Service. Its for the opening of my new resto. Opening 2nd Sept in Grand City Surabaya. I've been doing the prep in the last 4 months. Pls bless.. Thx u soo much

Iwan: "Your dream come true !! Jesus fight your battle ! Ve align your dream for business with reaching souls, that means your business is the tool to bless the Ministry. Ask Jesus to give you Vision and Dream of how He can use your business financially to reach souls! He will send His angels over you and your business because d rise of your business will also be d success of the Kingdom."

Me: "Yes, ko Iwan. Its all to glorify His name =)  I'll always remember that. Ak ingat psn ko Iwan untuk menjadi a living testimony."

Iwan: "I pray in Jesus name that there will be nothing like Veve's restaurant before and there will be nothing like it after. Just like You open the Red Sea miraculously, you will open up a new way, all eyes will see that Jesus is the centre of this business and all eyes will be a witness of how You are Veve's saviour.
In good time and in difficult time, she will lift up her eyes to the hill and that's where her help will come from! Keep Winning Ve. K Iwan.

Me: "I miss u n the church, ko Iwan.. I really do (a hug icon)"

Iwan: "We miss u too Ve and many of our church amazing young people. Tuhan satukan kira semua dgn bonding family yang nga bs terputuskan. I am so proud to see what God is doing in u!!!
Dont stress yourself out ya. Do what you can do and God will do what you can't do. He doesnt need us when He creates d world. He doesnt need us to stress out building His Memorise Joshua 1:7-9 and jadikanlah motto mu dimana Veve nggk melihat jalan keluar ! K Iwan is in Singapore now especially to have dinner with Dr Yonggi Cho, Pastor Kong Hee and Gilbert Lumoindong. So blessed that i caught something from dr cho that will change me for the rest of my life."

Me: "I heard from Cath how SCWC is flying high. N also from other ppl too. Many hav heard how the new church grows rapidly..I'm still part of u guysss! Hehe..Amazing k iwan. How could my low-last-2yrs cmn di putar dalam sekejap. All of a sudden, ways were opened for me to walk it exclusively. Awesome God.. It was really cold and boring since i returned home, then tiba2 aja tahun ini He removed my stoney heart and gave me freedom! I feel holy spirit alive in me! =D"

Iwan: "Wow !!! Love that change! A turning point! An extreme make over.. ha..ha.. I love our saviour Jesus. He is the only worthy to be served."

Me: "Haha.. U too r super amazing, k iwan! I want to follow Him forever =) pls keep guiding me.."

Iwan: "Anytime Ve.. Believe that God has a special anointing on you.. I see it so clearly.. Bendera SCWC one day jadi di Surabaya.. You and Cath will pioneer it.. ha..ha. Suroboyo Christian Worship Centre.. Kamu Bangun Keluarga dan Bisnis, setelah itu kalau Tuhan kehendaki, Gereja sudah bisa dirintis =)"

Me: "Im SO excited abt Him!! Take care ya k iwan..

In an instant, I turned my Bible page and here what it says:
Joshua 1:7-9 Just be determined, be confident; and make sure that you obey the whole Law that my servant Moses gave you. Do not neglect any part of it and you will succeed wherever you go. Be sure that the book of Law is always read in your worship. Study it day and night, and make sure you obey everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident! Dont be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord  your God, am with you wherever you go.

Now, as I am writting this I feel a little more strength and peace have been injected into me ^^ ..
I have always wanted to be where my life is heading now..
And God has allowed it to happen because He knows I am ready for it.
His timing is always right.



Veve ^^
(Founder of Wagyu Smith, to the glory of Jesus)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Extraordinary People In My Life

Through my quarter century of life journey, I have come to meet a few extraordinary people which our encounters have somehow played role in my character development (besides the books i read and the movies I watch ^^). I do believe that everything happens for a reason and along the way I have been able to link some answers which perhaps were misteries in the earlier time.

At the age 18, my fate led me to meet this great woman whom happened to be my baptised mother. I did not use to understand what it takes to be her as I do more now, but, I did adore her in a very special way. She was divorced as a result of an unpleasant experience and has since become a single parent to her three children. Her faith, perserverance and her love towards her children have saved her from the hardest time in life and God's compassion has also brought her and children to a better condition. Indeed, she has been overflown with blessings in financial aspect. What I like most about her is her patience and tenderness. Despite of her position and power, she always keeps her nature as a caring and loving woman who never fails to provide a sense of comfort. From her I learnt that being a woman, the three vital things you have to develop: "kindness, patience and toughness". Above all, I developed my belief as a Catholic through her =).

My Daddy! Sure is a great man a long time. Having to know his characters, background, childhood stories and some of his life experiences, I think he simply deserves a thumbs up for having to be where he is right now. I would describe him as a real fighter, although, he is not the best mentor one could be. Being part of his life is a blessing for me. He has spent his life holding us tight as his precious treasure, and has never once let go. I think it has become his mission to protect his treasure box. As time goes, I can feel that his stoney heart has slowly returned to its tenderness and how he is able to open his heart to see new perspectives. Daddy might be a rock in the outside, but it is really a diamond I see in the inside =).
From him I inherit his courage and passion towards achieving goals. And of course, I get a constant feeling that he is always there for us his family. Love you, Daddy! xoxo.

During my early career life where my enthusiasm was beyond anything ^^, I met a person whom career was on track and few steps ahead of me. Getting so much inspiration had made me felt like stepping into a new world as a brand new me. It was also the motivation of developing your potential and upgrading your values that gave meaning to my life. I did experience some love and hurt at some point, but, as I am now I smile whenever I look back =).

Still along my "i-think-i-am-independent" stage, the plan of God has brought my little sister to come to live with me. It has given a significant impact to both of our lives. Since I left my hometown, we grew up away from each other. I was closer to my older sister, therefore, always in the position as a little sister. Catherine's coming to Sydney has brought out the deep loving nature of me. Loving and looking after someone who devotedly trust you gave me a new energy. It was the desire to guide and set a good example to your beloved little one that has guided each of my step. Afterall, it made a positive progress for both me and her. Looking at how beautiful my little Catherine has turned out to be, made me realised nothing else, but, the wonderful plan of God =).

I will leave it here for now and will mention few more special ones in the next release.

Have a happy life ! ^^

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monk's Dream - Part 2

Here we go again... The dreaming monk ^^

After doing all his daily routine in the temple, it's time for the good monk to have dinner..

Monk was really starving, so he ate sooo much..
Food was good! ^^

After dinner, he was studying before the
11 o'clock bedtime

But his stomach was so full and he could not concentrate..

Soon the monk fell asleep.. Zzz...
His dream about "the lady in the pink dress" continued...
(refer to Monk's Dream-Part 1)
He gave her a love letter and some chocolates (koko black, red.)

And then he was dating her..

Dining in a restaurant ..

Walking along the park..

And rented a bicycle to ride around...

When evening came, they felt a little tired..

So the couple sat on a fountain bench and relax there..

 Enjoying the peaceful moment with the sprinkles of fountain water over them...

Suddenly, he felt a BIG SPLASH of water to his face !!

He opened his eyes and found...

The MASTER MONK with a bucket of water poured over him...  

Ruining his beautiful dream ^^ he..he..

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monk's Dream - Part 1

In a place far away, lived a monk who had never once left his temple.. 
Since he was little, he had always been a good monk.. never wanted to break any rule..

One night, he had a dream of getting away from the temple..

In the dream, he became an IT geek who
worked for a software company..

He was a cool geek, tho! ^^

Played sports, fixed the plumbing leak,

hiked the mountains and had seen millions of stars...

Ohh! Not to forget the sophisticated iphone he owned ^^ he..he..

Monk loved being the man in the dream.. And wished he could dream forever..

One fine afternoon, he was jogging along the park and his eyes caught the most beautiful scene in the world.. A lady in the pink dress..

But, suddenly sumthing hit his back! SMACK!!

He opened his eyes and found a very familiar face..

THE MASTER MONK with the wooden stick!! *SMACK!! *SMACK!!

Right in the moment, he knew its time to go back to reality... =(

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Little Bird

Here is the story of a little bird who lives in a beautiful locked cage..
Growing up with two sisters who taught her how to wear wonderful feathers..
In the cage, happiness has always meant to look shining and featherful..

She was alone.. had no voice but to follow the trend..
Often wonders if the race would ever end..

She gets to sing and play with them, she smiles and forgets her troubles..
They really are lovely birds...

But, the desire inside the little bird keeps wanting to break free...
to reach out the sky... to fly high... to breathe an open air...
Never fade away...

From the cage, she stares into the broader world ..
Admiring other birds who fly high to the top of the mountains..

She belongs to the outer world !

A little too scared to travel alone, tho..
Hoping a blue bird will come and take her ^^


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Paper Cup Story

In the beginning, it was only a sheet of plain white paper... light and clear...
Paper asked her creator if she can have a new experience...
So she was made different...

One journey of being fold here and there took place, and she became a completely new theme.. called "paper cup"..

Paper cup loves her new look!! She is now waterproof and colourful...
Upright yet fragile! ^^

She goes to all places where people have good times...parks, cinemas, shows, circus, canteens, fast food corners and name it, she's been there!

Paper cup is unique and only one of a kind ^^
She loves it simply by being a paper cup, cos' she knows later on she will all be filled up with Coke ^^